Why Choose Us

Claims We Handle

When your home or business sustains any type of property damage, you need to get your claim process moving quickly. More importantly, you need it done correctly!

Overlooking key details or failure to provide supporting evidence could jeopardize and therefore significantly minimize your claim settlement.  We guide you through the intricate process and make sure critical information and proper documentation aren’t left out from your claim.  We provide a professional, third party opinion giving you a fair representation to reach the best settlement for your property damage.

New Claims

New Claims

A claim for property damage filed by the insured. By contacting our office before filing a claim, we

Supplemental Claims

Florida law allows up to five (5) years to re-open an insurance claim or file a supplemental claim

Pending Claims

Pending Claims

If you have been paid (or have received an offer of settlement) for a substantial portion of your

Denied Claims

Denied Claims

During our years of serving policy holders, we've reviewed numerous insurance claim denials and have obtained coverage for

Aviation Claims

Aviation Claims

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Marine Claims

Marine Claims

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